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    Poser ist einfach zu lernen und noch einfacher anzuwenden, wenn man einmal den Dreh raus hat. Mit diesen drei einfachen Schritten könnt ihr selbst animierte Posen erstellen oder einfach nur Character Art erstellen: Poser. Das Grafik- und Rendertool Poser ist das Werkzeug für kreative Köpfe, Grafiker und alle, die mit animierten 3D-Objekten arbeiten. Poser überlässt euch nicht euch selbst, sondern kommt mit mehreren Gigabytes an vorgenerierten Inhalten. Darunter fertig texturierte Personen, Tiere, Vehikel, Kleidung sowie Szenen und Schauplätze. In nur drei einfachen Schritten mit Poser zur Character Art und Animation. Umfangreiche Bibliotheken zum sofort nutzen. Ihr wollt selbst 3D-Charaktere erstellen, Animationen Leben einhauchen, Kameras, Lichter, Einstellungen und Szenen verwalten? Mit Poser wird euch die Möglichkeit in die Hände gelegt, all diese Werkzeuge selbst zu lernen und anzuwenden. Erschafft 3D-Figuren aus einer vielfältigen Kollektion fertiger menschlicher, tierischer Modelle oder kreiert komplett neue Formen. Aber nicht nur 3D-Künstler arbeiten mit Poser; Auch 2D-Artists wie Manga-Zeichner bedienen sich der Dienste von Poser, da Lippensynchronisierung sowie nicht-lineare Animationen ebenso von Poser unterstützt werden. Wählt aus der umfangreichen Bibliothek 3D Modelle und passt sie mit etlichen Werkzeugen wie Gesichtsfotografien, dynamischem Haar und Kleidung an. Erstellt eine eigene Bühne für eure Modelle und positioniert Licht und Kameras. Setzt eure Figuren eindrucksvoll in Szene und „post“. Poser berechnet automatisch Lauf-, Geh- und andere Bewegungen und kann außerdem sprechende Charaktere animieren. Importiert weitere Motion Capture-Dateien, um noch mehr Aktion in eure Modelle zu bringen. Im dritten und letzten Schritt werden alle Animationen und Umgebungseffekte animiert und gerendert. Erstellt so eure eigenen kleinen Filmausschnitte fürs Internet, Druck oder euer persönliches Filmprojekt.




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    Yes. There are 2 folders now for the 2 separate versions. I guess NMM doesn’t recognise multiple folders. I have no idea how it works, since I don’t use it. You’ll have to manually install them. Probably not. I haven’t tried. I don’t mod for SE. Thanks! Got it working now! Custom. Cannot remember the original. Years old. Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones) Patch: “GENDER Specific Animations” Patch: “SKELETON Arm Fix” Nice to have that mod, truely amazing. But i have a question, what should i do if i don’t need the ‘pinup poses’ (i do only want to use Halo‘s Poses)? Will it work if i delete all parts related to pinup posers and edit the .esp file in your installation pack? Or can you share a standalone pack for Halo’s Poses? Thanks! 1) Unpacked archive: 2) converted all HKX files using new Havoc conversion tool to work with SSE; 3) Repacked back to single folder archive the one I need and installed using NNM, it usually works for me in old Skyrim; 4) Re-Saved ESP file in new SK64 just in case it needs update; 5) Ran new FNIS SSE v7; 6) All rings are in inventory, however selecting any of them do nothing, no CTD and no animation. 47 Comments. Hi Halo. My question is how to Expand your Public Poser mod? The mod is have only 5 slots but i need more. And how to change/rename the default Public folder to another? Pls help or pls expand your mod to more slots. THX. Overall, the new pose count is somewhere around 530. So lots of new stuff to play with. Things of actual note here, new male poses, after all that time. New object poses are attached to actual bones, and not the root, so they should work better for more customised body scales now. I’ve also updated some (not all yet) of the older object poses in the same way. On top of that, we’ve got some poses for crossbows, and some poses for magic. love the gun poses, no one else seems to have done more modern type poses to use in aether suite. All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files … 3 GENDER modifications for Animations\male 3 GENDER modifications for Animations\female 0_master usage: 7.7 % ( 9 paired, 0 kill, 80 alternate animations) Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 16 total groups: 30 added file slots: 170 alternate files: 164. Hello Halo. Screenshot… Texture body(femalebody_1_msn.dds)? Wow! 500+ MORE poses? YES PLEASE! But one question – do you know if roundrovin is going to update his pose albums with this anytime soon? Yeah, it’s because I changed the folder structure to accomodate multiple versions. Maybe next time I’ll do it in a way NMM will recognise or something. when you do the update can you add the CAMERA from the other poses to the poses were the character looks as if shes holding an iPhone? or can you possible add an iPhone to the poses? Here’s what’s been addeD: Did you run poserdatagen? You have to run that. Sometimes you might have to run it twice. I’ve had it not add new stuff the first time, before. None. I don’t have any knowledge of using animations or posers with SSE, and don’t support my mods with SSE, since they were not made for it. Thank you for this. And just a few word to say that I’ve send you a little something on Nexus because I don’t know how to private message you here! Doesn’t work for me… FNIS – Error(9): Index was outside the bounds of the array I use FNIS Behavior V6.3 XXL. Can you help me? Using MO and the file structure looks correct in the folder————– …. FNIS Behavior V6.2 10/26/2016 7:07:52 PM Skyrim: – D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam) I love this mod; my character would spend a lot less time in skimpy (if any) clothing without it. No. There are plenty of tutorials on how to manually install mods. It’s set up so you just drag and drop the contents of the relevant option’s folder into the main Skyrim folder. There’s no extra important steps needed, so a simple tutorial should be fine. The nexus has ones on its wiki, or you can find plenty on youtube. After that bit, the FNIS stuff all has its own tutorials. I’ve been using mods for quite some time now, and thought it was long overdue to just say thank you for your awesome work. Your contributions make the game alot more fun! I tried to install this mod via NMM but these new poses DONT seem to show up AT ALL………….I installed them the exact same way I have every other halo pose mod but these new ones just don’t show up. Creature Pack not installed. Hmm… my issue with it was/is NMM apparently didn’t think I needed the .esp, and cast it into the Black Void. Thanks Halo, the update looks magnificient. after instaling this mod and uninstaling the last version with NMM, I got finis error to many animation in finis, and something about zaz animations now I noticed it reads halo poser twice. So anyone have any advice about this problem? I figured I removed previos version wrong, but dont know what to check. Sorry if this is a stupid question. Does the Poser Hotkeys version mean it’s the version you should use if you are running Poser Hotkeys already? Or does it mean it has Poser Hotkeys built into it? I was still pretty new to manual installation, but I managed to get it installed. Thank you for being patient with me. It’s been working really well. Are your mods compatible with Skyrim: Special Edition? I’m pretty sure they are since they are not BSAs (BSAs are incompatible with SSE, altough you can extract them the result is not very smooth), but I wanted to get confirmation from you before I try it. Lastly, this will likely be the last poser update for a bit, because I want to see how things go with regards to SSE and modding it before choosing how to proceed with the future of Halo’s Poser. Or maybe that’s a lie and I’ll just keep updating as usual. Who knows? We’ll see what happens. With any luck, FNIS and Poser Hotkeys will get updated for SSE and it won’t matter which game I make the poses for as to if they’ll work. No promises in any directions though, things will be uncertain I’m sure, so please refrain from making “release it for SSE!” demands. Yeah. Don’t install it with NMM. It’s not NMM compatible. You have to manually install one of the folders inside the zip. If you don’t know how to manually install, I recommend looking at the nexus tutorials. Just something I did for Sasaki quickly. It’s not a public thing. Any advice? Thanks. Added and completed Halo’s Poser 18 Added and completed Halo’s Poser 19 Added and completed Halo’s Poser 20 Added and completed Halo’s Poser for Males Added Halo’s Pair Poser 4 to half way (male/female) Added and complete Halo’s Pair Poser 5 Added Halo’s Pair Poser 6 to 18 (9 pair poses) Filled Halo’s Object Poser slots 66-77 (last 4 are still empty because they will be more panty poses in future) Added Halo’s Object Poser 2 up to slot 31 Added Halo’s Beach Poser up to slot 59 Added a small few poses to Halo’s Silly Poser There’s now a special Poser Hotkeys version of the mod in the archive. You can delete this one; I found the issue – NMM. It had worked for all the others so far, I didn’t think this one would be an issue. Live and learn though. No. Those poses are not designed to have those objects in the poses. If I intended them to have those actual objects, they would have those actual objects, If you want to have things tailored specifically to your own opinions of what should or shouldn’t be in the mod, you need to learn to do it yourself, because I don’t want to edit them in that way. Thank you! It’s working now. I didn’t realize i had to download an additional link in order for the mod to work. BTW the poses like great! I’m just finished a set. Running poser hotkeys already. I’ve found that to be invaluable when trying to find a pose that I dread life without it anymore! Here’s the download: Download. The answer to this is in the readme. I was wondering if there were any screenshots available, showing how the manual installation should look? (I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong, and any type of visual aid would really help.) 3460 animations for 5 mods successfully included (character) Yeah would definitely install this if FNIS weren’t already yelling at me for too many animations haha. I’ll probably still find a way to make it work. It’s been a while since one of these. This update’s a bit haphazard, but it’s pretty huge. Lots of new toys in lots of ways. Hi! I just downloaded halo’s poser 1.5 and installed it with NMM, but when I enter the game I can’t find the poses.. I have no rings in my inventory and no MCm menu. Can anyone help? What outfit is that? It looks really cool! Anyhoo, the manual install worked. I made a “gift” screenshot for you in thanks, but photobucket is MIA. :/ some of the poses look as if your meant to be holding a phone/mobile/iPhone etc. I was wondering whether to play Skyrim or Fallout 4 tonight, and checked this site. Poser 5 download. Men! You are the best. THX!! Any idea why Poser Hotkey is not updating and not adding 18, 19, 20? The new pose rings are in my inventory and i can use them manually but it’s not updating in the Poser Hotkey mod/option menu. Reading FNISBase V6.2 … Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) … Reading HalosPoser V. … Reading PinupPoser V. … Reading XPMSE V6.1 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 164 alternate animations) … That error shouldn’t be specifically related to my mod. It’s a general FNIS error that seems to have various causes and fixes. Some folks report it’s from having too many animations, some folks report that it’ll go away if you just rerun FNIS again. I’ve also read it can be related to the skeleton you’re using. I’ve never seen a definitive explanation on what it actually means. Personally, I have no experience with it. I just know it’s not something that ought to be caused by my mod. There is no chance of a standalone pack. However, I’d recommend, if you want to use only the Halo’s Poser portion, install Poser Hotkeys, delete the pinup poser behaviors and animations, and use the Poser Hotkeys special esp. Since Poser Hotkeys has its own generator, you can use only half the mod. No. Halo’s Poser has multiple behavior files now because it has too many poses for a single behavior file. If you got the too many animations error, it means exactly that. You’ve got too many animations installed. This update added 500 poses, which is quite a few. I don’t know what other animation mods you’re using, but some of them take up a lot of space in your 0_master. The only actual solution is to choose which ones you want more, and uninstall the ones you don’t. have I done something wrong? No idea. Roundrovin and I are not in contact. They always update their album within a few weeks though. It might take a bit longer since it’s so many. any idea were I can get the phone from?




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